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Shape coin

Shape Coin

A composition of delicately sculpted shapes with a classic medal enables new designs in three-dimensional space. Detailed shapes can also be realistically worked out in color.

How did the idea for creating this medal come about?

The employees of our graphics department are constantly looking for new implementation options. The combination of precious metal shapes with classic coins was part of our creative process.

Why was the product developed?

We are always actively looking for new ideas and designs that do not yet exist and also aim not to repeat ourselves. In order to keep giving our customers new product inspiration, we always try to create something new.

What are the special features of the product?

The shape, in this case the butterfly, is embossed and can later also be made 3-dimensional using appropriate embossing techniques.

The two-sided color design of the shape can also create mirror effects on glossy surfaces, which make the product and the effect of the shape look even more dynamic.

What materials was the medal made of? Which materials can be seen?

The medal was made of silver, but all types of precious and base metals are possible.

The shapes can always be embossed from gold or silver. There are no limits to the color scheme. Various printing techniques can be used.

Which procedures were used?

The medal was embossed semi-automatically using classic embossing processes. When embossing the shape, special tools were made that bring the shape into the desired 3-dimensional shape.

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