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Richard von Weizsäcker

Richard von WeizsäckerRichard von WeizsäckerRichard von WeizsäckerRichard von WeizsäckerRichard von Weizsäcker
Richard von Weizsäcker

Coins and medals from the sixth Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker

Richard von Weizsäcker (1920—2015) was an outstanding German politician and the seventh Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1984 to 1994. He was previously Governing Mayor of Berlin. Weizsäcker stood out for his rhetorical brilliance and his ability to reconcile. During his term of office, he emphasized Germany's responsibility in history and worked for peace and international understanding. His presidency is regarded as an era of political and moral leadership in Germany.

Technische Daten und Varianten

size: Ø 40 mm

Material selection:
(specify when ordering)

  • 999/000 fine gold
  • 999/000 fine silver
  • Gold 333/000
  • Real gold-plated metal
  • Genuine silver-plated metal

Package selection:
(specify when ordering)

  • coin pocket (free of charge)
  • coin capsule
  • Etui

*Den genauen Preis erhalten Sie nach einer Anfrage.

Richard von Weizsäcker

Coins and medals from the sixth Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker

Richard von Weizsäcker (1920—2015) was an outstanding German politician and the seventh Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1984 to 1994. He was previously Governing Mayor of Berlin. Weizsäcker stood out for his rhetorical brilliance and his ability to reconcile. During his term of office, he emphasized Germany's responsibility in history and worked for peace and international understanding. His presidency is regarded as an era of political and moral leadership in Germany.

Technische Daten und Varianten

size: Ø 40 mm

Material selection:
(specify when ordering)

  • 999/000 fine gold
  • 999/000 fine silver
  • Gold 333/000
  • Real gold-plated metal
  • Genuine silver-plated metal

Package selection:
(specify when ordering)

  • coin pocket (free of charge)
  • coin capsule
  • Etui

*Den genauen Preis erhalten Sie nach einer Anfrage.

Richard von Weizsäcker

Coins and medals from the sixth Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker

Richard von Weizsäcker (1920—2015) was an outstanding German politician and the seventh Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1984 to 1994. He was previously Governing Mayor of Berlin. Weizsäcker stood out for his rhetorical brilliance and his ability to reconcile. During his term of office, he emphasized Germany's responsibility in history and worked for peace and international understanding. His presidency is regarded as an era of political and moral leadership in Germany.

Technische Daten und Varianten

size: Ø 40 mm

Material selection:
(specify when ordering)

  • 999/000 fine gold
  • 999/000 fine silver
  • Gold 333/000
  • Real gold-plated metal
  • Genuine silver-plated metal

Package selection:
(specify when ordering)

  • coin pocket (free of charge)
  • coin capsule
  • Etui

*Den genauen Preis erhalten Sie nach einer Anfrage.

Richard von Weizsäcker

Coins and medals from the sixth Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker

Richard von Weizsäcker (1920—2015) was an outstanding German politician and the seventh Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1984 to 1994. He was previously Governing Mayor of Berlin. Weizsäcker stood out for his rhetorical brilliance and his ability to reconcile. During his term of office, he emphasized Germany's responsibility in history and worked for peace and international understanding. His presidency is regarded as an era of political and moral leadership in Germany.

Technische Daten und Varianten

size: Ø 40 mm

Material selection:
(specify when ordering)

  • 999/000 fine gold
  • 999/000 fine silver
  • Gold 333/000
  • Real gold-plated metal
  • Genuine silver-plated metal

Package selection:
(specify when ordering)

  • coin pocket (free of charge)
  • coin capsule
  • Etui

*Den genauen Preis erhalten Sie nach einer Anfrage.

Richard von Weizsäcker

Coins and medals from the sixth Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker

Richard von Weizsäcker (1920—2015) was an outstanding German politician and the seventh Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1984 to 1994. He was previously Governing Mayor of Berlin. Weizsäcker stood out for his rhetorical brilliance and his ability to reconcile. During his term of office, he emphasized Germany's responsibility in history and worked for peace and international understanding. His presidency is regarded as an era of political and moral leadership in Germany.

Technische Daten und Varianten

size: Ø 40 mm

Material selection:
(specify when ordering)

  • 999/000 fine gold
  • 999/000 fine silver
  • Gold 333/000
  • Real gold-plated metal
  • Genuine silver-plated metal

Package selection:
(specify when ordering)

  • coin pocket (free of charge)
  • coin capsule
  • Etui

*Den genauen Preis erhalten Sie nach einer Anfrage.

Item number
Price per:
1 piece
inkl. 19% Mwst. zzgl. Versand
Beachten Sie bitte die verschiedenen Varianten in der Produktbeschreibung.
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